nepali old pictures (vol.2)

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                                     Temple of Devi Bhagwani, Bhatgaon (Nepal)

                          Entrance to monastery, Patan (Nepal). January 1855

The Residency Surgeon's house, Katmandu (Nepal)

   Temple of Bhimsen, Bhatgaon (Nepal)

Thappatalli, Residence of Maharaja Jang Bahadur, Katmandu (Nepal). December 1852

The Golden Gate in the Durbar, or Royal Palace, Bhatgaon (Nepal)

Temple of Mahadeo on the Bagarutty river at Pushputtinath, most sacred temple in Nepal

N. front of monastery, Patan (Nepal). July 1855

The centre of Patan (Nepal) with the temple of Krishna 2851

The valley of Nepal; snows in the distance, a village in the foreground

            Sir Rana Jang Bahdur's Senior Rani, Hiranyagarbha Kumari

East front of temple of Adi Buddha, Sambhunath (Nepal), with Indra's Thunderbolt in the foreground. c. April 1854

W. end of the Durbar, or Royal Palace, Bhatgaon (Nepal). March 1853

S. front of the Durbar, or Royal Palace, Bhatgaon (Nepal). March 1853

The centre of Patan (Nepal) with the temple of Krishna 2852

Distant view of the Himalayas showing the peak of Dhaulagiri (26,826 feet) in Nepal. A tent in the left foreground


Jung Bahadoor with his principal wife, 2 daughters and slave girls

H.H. Maharaja Deb Sham Sheer's State Visit to Pattan 4305219

H.H. Maharaja Deb Sham Sheer's State Visit to Pattan 4305215

The Temple of Tulleyjoo in Khatmandoo within the Palace grounds used only by the Royal Family

Judva's Thunderbolt, Shimboonath [Swayambhunath]

Shimboonath [Swayambhunath]

Svayambunath (Sambunath): great Buddhist temple.

Kathmandu; Darbar Square: Kala Bhairab (black stone Shiva) on R.

Street scene with grain and vegetable sellers, Kathmandu

Portrait of Jung Bahadoor in his fur coat and diamond belts &c

The Residency Bungalow at Bhatgaon. December 1863'. On reverse unfinished drawing of a bridge

                                      Steps leading to central temple, Pashpat

Portrait of Jung Bahadoor in his summer dress with his two elder sons, Generals in 

Nepalese Army

Part of Buddhist Stupa, Shimboonath [Swayambhunath] 

Ghat & Bridge of Pushputtinath the place of the Royal Suttees

Pictures by



नेपालमा घटेका प्रमुख घटनाहरु सबै एकैठाउँमा पाउनको लागि एक क्लिकको भरमा सबैकुरा । साहित्य, विचार विश्लेषण, महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज, संगीत मनोरञ्जन, अडियो भिडियो । सबैकुरा एकैठाउँमा उपलब्ध गराउने अभिप्रायले । सलार्ही एक्सप्रेसको सुरुवात गरियको हो । आफूसँग भएका विविध जानकारीमुलक र मनोरञ्जनात्मक सामाग्रीहरु उपलब्ध गराई सहयोग गरिदिनुहुन हामी हार्दिकतापूर्वक अनुरोध गर्दछौँ । सर्लाही एक्सप्रेस साइटलाई माया गर्ने जो कोही यसको सदस्य बनेर आफ्नो रचना सम्प्रेषण गर्न वा ईमेल मार्फत हामीलाई लेख रचना पठाउन सक्नु हुन्छ। यस बाहेक सर्लाही एक्सप्रेसलाइ सल्लाह, सुझाव वा कुनै प्रतिक्रियाको लागि पत्राचारको गर्नको लागि हाम्रो ठेगाना .

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